Lowell Hansen


For as long as I can remember, I have had a fascination with markets. Whether it be the stock market, the bond market, or the real estate market. I have enjoyed striving to understand how values are determined and markets operate. Although markets can seem complex, I enjoy attempting to make them simple for my clients to understand. Prior to joining SFM in 2004, I worked in the institutional money management business representing some of the smartest minds in the investment industry. After the Tech Bubble in 2000, I realized that although there is ample academic research to support market behavior, it did nothing to comfort the individual investor. It was at that point, that I realized the desire to help individuals navigate the markets and accomplish their financial goals. I had worked with Jeff Schaefer during my tenure with Undiscovered Managers, LLC and became a client after 9/11. I appreciated the trustworthy and transparent approach and knew this would be a great fit as I looked to help clients navigate the financial landscape and help them accomplish their financial goals.


Colorado State University

  • B.S. Finance
  • CFP®
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